How can we get the most out of AI in Marketing?

AI has arrived and it promises great potential

AI has arrived and it promises great potential

AI is no longer a futuristic idea; it's a present-day reality brimming with possibilities.
However, its potential is often overshadowed by concerns about its opaque nature, the risks it might pose and the quality it delivers.

To many it's still a potential Pandora's Box full of unpleasant surprises

To many it's still a potential Pandora's Box full of unpleasant surprises

For many, AI remains a source of uncertainty with potential hidden risks. This perception can hinder its adoption, as the fear of the unknown and potential security vulnerabilities loom large in the minds of decision-makers.

A common sentiment is that it is lacking the quality needed for production

A common sentiment is that it is lacking the quality needed for production

The apprehension that AI may not be mature enough for enterprise-level deployment is a significant barrier. Concerns about quality are casting doubt on AI's readiness to be a part of critical business processes.

So the big question is:

How can we overcome the obstacles
around security and quality,
so AI can improve
our company's efficiency?

Special Agents can improve efficiency
From analyzing data to generating diverse outputs like emails, presentations, and even regulatory reviews, SomeName transforms how work gets done, making your processes faster and more efficient.

The architecture ensures that your company data is safe inside the Data Vault and the agents can carry out actions while keeping the data safe.

BirdsAtFive’s Special Agents approach addresses the security and quality issues

BirdsAtFive’s Special Agents approach addresses the security and quality issues
Building a platform on immature technology should not be taken lightly. But to get deep experience and to overcome the current challenges around security and quality we made a leap of courage. We built upon the the agent concept where the AI can use tools, improve itself and complete tasks instead of merely replying to prompts.

The pay-off is very tangible. The agents can solve tasks with quality we haven’t seen from other AI platforms like ChatGPT and their GPT Assistants. It also gives us control and governance around who and how the platform is used by team members.

Building a platform on immature technology should not be taken lightly. But to get deep experience and to overcome the current challenges around security and quality we made a leap of courage. We built upon the the agent concept where the AI can use tools, improve itself and complete tasks instead of merely replying to prompts.

The pay-off is very tangible. The agents can solve tasks with quality we haven’t seen from other AI platforms like ChatGPT and their GPT Assistants. It also gives us control and governance around who and how the platform is used by team members.

Ensure data protection and control over AI access and data

We provide one point of entry to centralize and control the access to AI and data.
You determine who accesses your AI tools and how they're used.
You can track usage and safeguard your valuable information against unauthorized access and potential breaches.

We provide one point of entry to centralize and control the access to AI and data.
You determine who accesses your AI tools and how they're used.
You can track usage and safeguard your valuable information against unauthorized access and potential breaches.

Elevate AI output quality with specialized agents

We introduce cascading agents tailored to your unique needs. These agents are not just AI tools; they're an extension of your team, trained in your products and brand voice, and equipped to deliver high-quality, customized outputs that resonate with your brand's identity and values.

We introduce cascading agents tailored to your unique needs. These agents are not just AI tools; they're an extension of your team, trained in your products and brand voice, and equipped to deliver high-quality, customized outputs that resonate with your brand's identity and values.

Automate tasks to boost company productivity

The key value driver of AI is efficiency. It can seamlessly integrate into your existing processes, and take over mundane and repetitive tasks. From data analysis to content creation, our agents’ automation capabilities free up your team's time, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives and creative endeavors that drive your business forward.

The architecture ensures your company data is safe

The architecture ensures your company data is safe

Use any LLM model

The agents are model agnostic, so they can use any model you choose. Whether you prefer open source models, models hosted on your own server or models from the large vendors is up to you.

Benefits beyond others in the market

Our agents can collaborate both with each other and with other team members.
You can also schedule tasks that can be automated to run monthly, weekly or even hourly.
The agents can also wait for external events before continuing, much like how most real life tasks occur.

A Data Vault to protect your data

All the functionality of the agents can run inside a data vault, so data isn’t leaked to services you can’t trust.

All the functionality of the agents can run inside a data vault, so data isn’t leaked to services you can’t trust.

The agents can interact with other services

Custom actions, APIs or services*

Custom actions, APIs or services*

Custom actions, APIs or services*

So far AI has proved efficient for

SomeName’s effectiveness is evident across various domains, including content production, proofreading, and multimedia generation. Its adaptability and versatility make it an invaluable tool for businesses looking to harness the full potential of AI.

Copywriter Agent

Generate copy aligned with brand guidelines and objectives. Automate content creation process, saving time & ensuring message consistency

Market Agent

Continuously monitors marketing trends and activities and provides actionable insights

SEO Agent

Optimizes copy for SEO

Segment Agent

A representation of your target audience, simulating customer behaviour and preferences - free for you to test content, ideas, messages etc.

Regulatory Agent

Keeps track of regulations and ensures that marketing material are more compliant, before involving legal

Briefing Agent

Automatically gathers and organize relevant insights and objectives. Improves project clarity and alignment

Competitor Agent

Continuously monitors competitors' activities and provides actionable insights

Paid Media Agent

Improves tactics and content for paid media, with the latest best practice

Digital Planner Agent

Automatically suggest content needs throughout the funnel and how to distribute it

The Commercial
Acceleration Agency


Grønningen 1

1270 København K


CVR: 41272252

+45 76 11 71 81